MDF Products

Baseboard & Casing


High Quality

Low Prices

We offer high-quality MDF baseboards at unbeatable discount prices. With a variety of sizes and styles, our baseboards provide a durable, stylish finish for any space—perfect for contractors and DIYers alike. Save big without compromising on quality!

Our Ties

Our relationship with manufacturers runs deep.  Our model operates on high volume to keep costs down.  This gives us greater purchasing power and priorty status with our vendors.  This allows us to keep prices lower than our competitors without sacrificing on quality.


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Anatomy Of Our Baseboard

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1. 5/8'' Thick

Most retailers stock baseboard at .5" or 3/8" thick.  All our baseboard and casing is a solid 5/8" thick lending to unmatched durability and lifespan.

2. Medium Density

MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) is the perfect blend in durability and flexibility vs. traditional pine or hardwood mouldings.

3. Options

Our most popular sizes are 3.5" and 5.5" widths in the craftsman style moulding.  We stock these in 16' lengths allowing you to install with the least amount of cuts possible.

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